Guitar-driven, blues influenced, rock 'n roll ...musician's website.
NEWS: 2022-2020
2024-2023 | 2022-2020 | 2020 | 2020-2019 | 2018-2017 | . . . | 2003
Friday; October 07, 2022
Stepping Stones is HERE. NOW.
Today I'm completing The Stones Trilogy with . . . , what I think is the BEST of the three albums. During this very UGLY time, I made a point of never writing a song that was LOCKED to this particular time. None of us want to be LOCKED to THIS time. I wrote these songs over a couple of different writing cycles. They're all over the place. From these many treasure troves, I tried to pick songs that wanted to play together. It's pretty amazing to watch a song from 18 months ago ... step into place ... perfectly with a song you wrote last week. Hmmmm...., the idea of stepping stones .... is this a link into my future? The common thread is, I believe, that some of my most passionate guitar playing lies . . . within these songs.
YOUTUBE | Full Album (Audio) Stream.
Tuesday; March 22, 2022
Adding Sticks To The Stones...
The journey into forever . . . My musical journey is a neverending escapade down into ... what's next. "Sticks And Stones", the brand new album is the next logical step down a road that the blues, and rock & roll, speak to me... in a specific way.
I love the variety on this release. I think it hits a lot of different areas. But, all those areas . . . have an underpinning of blue. I am also introducing (at this time), a brand new video for the first song, "Luck Of The Draw". This is a rocking tune with a Bo Diddley style beat... and some nice energy. Enjoy the video. Enjoy the album. Cheers.
YOUTUBE | Full Album (Audio) Stream.
YOUTUBE | Official Music Video. -
Friday; Feb. 18, 2022
Sticks And Stones A Comin'
The next stop on my musical journey: MARCH 18 is the christening of my new album, "Sticks And Stones." The album is comprised of TWELVE new songs and they cover a lot of musical territory. From hard rockers like "Whatcha See" and "Luck Of The Draw," ... to ... a dobro-inflected Delta-style song like "Whatcha Want Me To Know", onward through the soulfull blues of "Trouble Anymore" and "Tinted Windows On My Soul", into an ambitious extended jam, "Outta My Mind" ...and even stopping off for a very acoustical blues foray, "If You Don't Play By The Rules." So many surprises, along the way. It's a comin'. March 18, 2022.
Friday; Aug. 6, 2021
Sullen Skies + Deep Blues.
Ever feel like you're walking around and you don't recognize ... the world around you? For the first video from "Throwing Stones", we gave a playful nod to an artistic hero... Rene Magritte. How do surrealism and the blues match up? The answer's all rock & roll. Bluesy songs in minor keys seem to bring out the best in my guitar. Enjoy.
YOUTUBE | Official Music Video. -
Friday; June 24, 2021
Time To Throw Stones!
The guitar, the songwriting and the lyrics all get equal billing in this release! It's a delicate balance: I'm a guitar player so I want to kick ass, but sometimes that can step all over a song. Sometimes the songwriter inside, makes me forget I'm a rock and roll guitar player. It's hard. But this time, I think everybody got to play full throttle, which makes for a diverse bunch of songs. But maybe that's not for me to decide. I'm just "Throwing Stones".
YOUTUBE | Full album stream. -
Friday; May 28, 2021
Notes Against The Sky.
Is this a fool's paradise? Yes. Palm trees & dark skies. Contradictions galore. Sounds like fodder for "Throwing Stones".
Friday; Oct. 23, 2020
Chasing Ghosts... (officially)...
The new album also brings us a brand stinking new official music video. "Chasing Ghosts", I think is one of the best rock songs that I've ever written. It's got groove, lots of attitude and enough of a slice of the blues to keep me satifsfied. Shockingly..., there's a lot of guitar too, but nothing sinister.
We're all chasing ghosts. New ones. Old ones. Ones we can't lay our finger on....
YOUTUBE | Chasing Ghosts. -
Friday; Oct. 23, 2020
CROSSEYED: out today!
From out of left field... today brings the final chapter to The Eyes Suite, ...called "Crosseyed". It was a surprise to me, because in my head... I was ready to move onto some new terrain. Lo! And, Behold! I found that I had some really good material that was going to get left behind. We can't let that happen. What I found is the bridge to what comes next.... as well, as being... well, a record that stands on its own. That's why I couldn't leave it behind. This CD ...actually.... stands as... my favorite of the three. This album rocks a little harder. The writing has a little more depth. And... right now, I have a big smile on my face. It's CROSSEYED time. Time to rock and roll. The full album stream is posted on Youtube (as usual). And we actually made hardcopy CDs too (for those who like it like that). Enjoy.
YOUTUBE | Full album stream. -
EXTRA: 2020 stuff...
2024-2023 | 2022-2020 | 2020 | 2020-2019 | 2018-2017 | . . . | 2003
Gary Eisenbraun | Official musician/artist website (established June 2002).